Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Current Good Manufacturing Practices not revised since 1986

I suppose the results will either highlight (among many other things) that melamine is widely used to process food in plants and that is where previously stated traces in our food come from, that melamine is not widely used to process foods and that is not where traces in food come from, melamine is not widely used to process food therefore the traces are coming from somewhere else, or melamine is not widely used to process foods and their are no reportable traces of melamine in food processed in the US. Assuming the survey of food processing practices also includes surveys of food quality and testing for melamine. The following is from the CFSAN website, posted November 12th.
* U.S. Food and Drug Administration *
* Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition *
Constituent Updates are also available on the web at
Announcing a Pretest of FDA's Food CGMP Survey Instrument
In an effort to provide additional protection against foodborne illness, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has begun the process of bringing the Federal rules that govern the safe manufacturing, processing, packing and holding of food in the U.S. up to date with modern science and technology. These rules, known as the food current good manufacturing practices, or food CGMPs, describe the methods, equipment, physical plants, and controls for producing safe processed food. They were last revised in 1986.
FDA intends to conduct a statistical survey of some 2,700 large and small domestic food facilities. These facilities will be asked to respond to the survey instrument and may do so either via the Internet or via mail, as they choose. In the next few days, FDA will begin pretesting of the survey instrument. The purpose of the pretest, which will involve sending the instrument via Internet to 50 to 60 facilities, is to ensure that the survey instrument is clear, unambiguous, elicits the information the agency needs and does not impose an undue burden on industry respondents.
The survey will seek information about five key issues relevant to the food CGMP modernization effort:
Employee training
Sanitation and personal hygiene
Allergen controls
Process controls, and,
The results of this survey will assist the FDA in characterizing current food industry practices. While entirely voluntary, industry participation is critical if FDA is to accurately identify safe, cost-effective industry practices for modernized food CGMPs.
Responses to the pretest, as well as the actual survey, will be kept strictly confidential. All data will be collected, compiled, and kept by the independent consulting firm, Eastern Research Group, Inc. (ERG). Responses will be used only for statistical purposes. The reports ERG will prepare on this study will summarize findings across the sample and will not associate responses with a specific company or individual. ERG will not provide information that identifies companies to anyone outside the ERG study team at any time.


CFSAN Constituent Update
- Office of Food Defense, Communication and Emergency Response
- CFSAN Web site:

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