Monday, April 20, 2009

Time To Test Egg Quality (And What About Results of FSIS 97-08?)

Lately I've been wondering why there hasn't been any talk about testing more products for melamine, including eggs. I know some testing is currently underway for meat, meat products like hot dogs and milk products, but why not eggs? When I spoke to Norco farms a few months ago, a spokesperson assured me that there was no melamine in the feed used to feed the animals that producs the eggs labeled "organic" however, he was pretty certain there was melamine in the feed fed to the birds that produced the eggs that receive no organic designation. There was concern in China over tainted eggs. The feed used here in the U.S., and around the world, is known to contain melamine - it's a binding agent. Why isn't anyone testing eggs for melamine contamination and if they are, what is the status of such testing?

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