Friday, October 31, 2008

Melamine Is Everywhere

Melamine that had been deliberately added to wheat, animal feed, milk and eggs has caused the massive contamination of much of the world's food supply. An Associated Press article out today is reporting that the U.S. Grains Council's technical director in Beijing, Jason Yan, believes that "traders can make a lot of profit" by adding melamine. Has Yan known about food producers adding melamine or was it just discovered? How long has Yan known? In addition to testing of food for melamine in all corners of the globe, there needs to be an investigation to determine whether or not organizations and agencies such as the Grain Council, or FDA, have known about and disregarded contaminated imported food or raw ingredients from China, or contaminated ingredients from any origin. In the case of China, will the U.S. start disclosing what contaminated items are being imported and will we finally see a ban?
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